General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Is Done With Sonny, Finds A New Lover!

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Is Done With Sonny, Finds A New Lover!

General Hospital Spoilers - Ava

Ava was feeling quite on top of the world after finding a place for herself in Sonny’s innermost circle, recall General Hospital spoilers. She started enjoying the position so much that she didn’t even flinch while back-stabbing her once-upon-a-time-bestie Nina in an attempt to steal her husband.

Alas! treachery can get one only so far. In a unexpected turn of events, Ava has found herself pitted against another woman to win Sonny’s attention, point General Hospital Spoilers. Unfortunately for Ava, she seems to be at the losing end. With every passing day, Sonny is growing fonder of Natalia, and any chance Ava stood with Sonny is going down the drain.

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General Hospital Spoilers-Ava-Sonny
GH/ Sonny is not romantically interested in Ava

Sooner or later, Ava will have to shift her focus from Sonny and scan the land of Port Charles to find another suitor! Of course, she has the ready option of reconciling with Nikolas Cassadine, because he clearly still has feelings for her. However, it seems Ava is past that.

General Hospital Spoilers point that there are still many other single men in PC that Ava could try her luck with. For instance, we feel Valentin Cassadine would be a good pick. Especially, since he is aiming to rip down Sonny. So romancing and cahooting with him could give Ava a chance at sweet-sweet revenge!

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General Hospital spoilers- Ava-Valentin
GH/ Could Ava and Valentin get romantically involved and wage war against Sonny?

In fact, she is already snooping around to find out who has been tampering with Sonny’s medication. Her investigation could lead her straight to dearest Val in no time. Speaking of people interested in taking down Sonny, there is also the very single and extremely charming Jack Brennan! We think Ava and Jack could actually make a pretty sparkly and evil pair!

General Hospital Spoilers - Ava- Jack Brennan
GH/ Ava and Jack Brennan could actually be a match made in heaven

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What do you say? Who would you love to see Ava paired up with – Valentin Cassadine, Jack Brennan, Nikolas Cassadine, or someone else? Tell us in the comments below. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more General Hospital spoilers.

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