The Young And The Restless

Jordan Dons a New Disguise After Eliminating a Threat — and Amanda Receives a Proposition from [Spoiler]

Jordan Dons a New Disguise After Eliminating a Threat — and Amanda Receives a Proposition from [Spoiler]

Jordan in new disguise Y&R

Credit: CBS screenshot

Devon follows Nate into the office at Chancellor-Winters. He teasingly suggests he’s checking it out while Billy is gone and Nate insists his days of power grabs are behind him. His cousin thinks the music festival is a great idea. It was a great idea when Nate pitched it before but the timing was wrong. They assume that Billy has turned on it just because he has it out for him. Mamie stalks in, immediately venting about Billy shooting down good ideas and trying to add the Abbott name to the company. She suggests they try grooming Chance to be their ally. That sounds like a bad idea to Devon, who likes Chance and his ideas. Talking about sides isn’t helping either. Mamie is insistent that Billy doesn’t belong there. He’s always been a gambler at heart and is trying to get a better hand. “I don’t think it’s fair to say that Billy is the one with power on his mind,” Amanda says as she interrupts. She’s honored to finally meet the famous Mamie. Devon starts fidgeting as they shake hands. The ladies laugh as Mamie calls her a spy. Mamie wants to take her drinking so she can give her a message for Jill, one that will put their battle behind them.

Amanda meets Mamie at Chancellor-Winters Y&R

Once the ladies exit, Devon and his cousin worry. Nate is all for keeping their eyes on Billy but he doesn’t think he’s out for power. Devon thinks he wants to have it all and Mamie isn’t wrong in thinking Chance could be a good ally. Nate suggests that his cousin could be the one who is an adrenaline junky. This doesn’t go over well. Stepping back, Nate says he doesn’t want to fight. He thinks they just need to focus on work and let Billy self-destruct. The person they should be the most concerned about is Mamie. They bicker about that and Devon suggests they wait and see what Mamie is proposing to Jill. “And it doesn’t bother you that she didn’t discuss it with us first?” Nate asks.

Nate and Devon argue about Mamie Y&R

Chance joins Nina in the dining room of the Athletic Club. She still loves seeing him in a suit, knowing the only injury he’s risking is a paper cut. He’s liking the new job but there’s still a lot to learn. His mom senses he’s missing the chief’s job. “Let’s just say that C-suite players can be just as slippery as criminals,” he says. The former cop feels like he’s stuck in some kind of power-play between Billy and Devon. There’s a lot of resentment. He fills her in on Billy shooting down his idea and he can’t help but feel like he’s a pawn in something. His mom tells him to leave the job if he needs to. As much as she wants him behind a desk, it doesn’t mean he has to stay there. Her son wonders if he can turn things to his advantage. She thought her days of worrying about him were over. Chance just wants to show he’s the adult in the room and thinks he should align with Nate since he’s in a similar position.

Chance and Nina discuss his new job Y&R

Amanda and Mamie walk in and the four of them chat. Mamie says that Nate and Devon are very enthusiastic about his ideas and she can’t wait to hear about them too. She thinks Nina should be proud of her handsome son. She is and Chance says this is all great for his ego.

Mamie and Amanda sit at the bar. The lawyer is surprised to hear her speaking well of Chance given her grudge against Jill. Mamie says that’s not a grudge but they need to have a drink before she can explain. Once they get their drinks in, Mamie explains that she’s become much more focused on the family legacy lately. Amanda notes that Jill has been saying similar things. Mamie explains that it’s time to undo the merger. That’s the message she wants her to bring to Jill. The lawyer points out that Jill will never agree to that. It would be an enormous cost to the company and a loss of all public confidence. Acknowledging this, Mamie suggests they don’t do it publicly. They draw up clear boundaries and work independently in private. It’s time for them all to go back to what they do well. Shaking her head, Amanda wonders what’s in this for her. Mamie insists her only agenda is protecting her family. Jill putting Billy in power created threats and doubts that have destabilized everything. Amanda can see her logic, but regardless of how she pitches it, Jill will still turn the proposal down.

Mamie makes proposition to Amanda Y&R

Chance and Nina have been watching this conversation from a distance. She wonders why the two women are clearly at odds. All this posturing is exhausting and she knows he hates it. Chance says the line between right and wrong has always been clear to him. As long as he sticks to his instincts, he will be fine. She guesses corporate battles are safer than shoot-outs. She needs him to be safe but also to be happy. He knows when to engage and when to back away. After Mamie leaves, Amanda stops by to say goodbye to them. Nina asks her to join them and they chat about the Mamie and Jill feud. They all think the two women are more alike than they like to admit, but you better not tell them that.

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Mamie returns to the Chancellor-Winters office. She confirms for Devon that she made a business proposition to Amanda. She was throwing a line to see if she would bite. No luck. It would have been nice to hash it out as two old friends but doing it less peacefully suits her fine.

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Jordan is pretending to drink at The Empty Glass Lounge when a seemingly very drunk Seth stumbles over and asks what the real story with Nikki is. Turning on a pout, Jordan asks if he’s really denying that they are friends. Can he hate her that much? She begs him to call her and set up a meeting. She’ll join them so she can look her in the eyes. Then it will all come flooding back to her. “Especially when she sees that cheap wig,” he says, telling her to cut it. He accuses her of being the woman who pushed Nikki off the wagon. When she gets up to walk out, he grabs her, tells her she’s despicable, and not going anywhere. “Fine, you got me,” she says, admitting she’s not Nikki’s friend but insisting she didn’t kidnap her and pump vodka into her veins. Seth suggests they go and pay Nikki and her husband a visit with the cops to test if there is anything to his suspicions. Twisting her arm, he makes her agree to the meeting. She says the laugh will be on him. When she claims she wants some air, he insists on going with her.

Jordan confronted by Seth Y&R

Once they get outside, she prompts him to make the call, claiming she’s looking forward to the reunion. As a car comes around the corner, she pushes him off the curb into its path. Turning on the tears, she runs back into the bar and asks the staff to call for an ambulance. She claims that she tried to stop him but Seth asked her to tell Nikki Newman he was sorry and then killed himself.

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At the Newman ranch, Nikki explains to Victor, Claire, Cole, and Victoria that Seth told her about this mysterious woman named Isabelle. He’s as suspicious as she is now since she told him that she thought it could be Jordan in disguise. Cole suggests they call the cops. Victor agrees and steps out to make the call. They worry about how upset Nikki is. Claire is sure she’s partially to blame because having her in her home must be unnerving. Nikki says she’s family and welcome but Claire doesn’t think it’s healthy for them to hide their real feelings. Her grandma admits she’s a reminder of Jordan, but the more she looks at her, the more she can see Victoria. She’s determined to see more of that. Claire promises all of them that she won’t make them regret having her there. As they hug, Cole smiles. Immediately, Claire asks what she needs to do about her aunt.

Nikki hugging Claire at ranch Y&R

Victor returns and says it’s time for her to reach out to Jordan. Her parents suggest they wait but Victor and Nikki think they need to act fast. Claire agrees with this. They get her to call the number they have. It prompts her to leave a message from Isabelle. They tell her to hang up. Claire looks disappointed. She just wants this over with so they can all move on. “Amen to that,” says Nikki. Claire’s parents take her up to sleep.

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Nikki says it’s a miracle that Victoria and Cole got their daughter back. She worries about Seth not getting back to her and that she could be wrong about Isabelle. Victor thinks she’s right and they need to go ahead with his plan to plant a news item to lure Jordan out. Once he goes off, her phone starts to ring. It’s an unknown caller. After freezing for a second, she answers. It’s a cop. They inform her there has been a hit-and-run and Seth didn’t survive. A witness claimed he stepped in front of the car on purpose. Nikki gasps.

Nikki and Victor worry about the plan Y&R 

More: Why Seth had to die

Back at the Lounge, Jordan sneaks into the alley and drops her wig and outfit in a dumpster. After changing her coat, she slips on a brunette wig, a new pair of glasses and a little hat before noticing she has a missed call. She smiles to herself. (Read more about Seth’s untimely demise here.)

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