Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: John Flies To Greece To Resolve His Catharina Mystery

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: John Flies To Greece To Resolve His Catharina Mystery

Days of Our Lives Spoilers - John

Konstantin has proven himself to be a man of many layers, confirm Days of Our Lives spoilers. When he first arrived in Salem after Victor’s passing, it felt like he was there to help. But it soon became clear that he had other motives. But usurping Maggie’s share is not his only intention! He also wants revenge on John! Keep reading to find out why!

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Konstantin Holds John Responsible For His Daughter’s Death

The shock on Konstantin’s face on seeing John was nothing ordinary. We knew there was something much deeper there than just knowing John used to be “The Pawn”. Days of Our Lives spoilers now confirm that Konstantin holds John responsible for killing his daughter – Catharina, in Greece.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers - Konstantin - John
DOOL/ Konstantin recognizes John as The Pawn

Back in the day, when John was still The Pawn, he crossed swords with Konstantin. But it was his daughter who fell to her passing. Apparently, John shot her when Konstantin was unconscious, say Days of Our Lives spoilers. But is that really the whole truth? Because no one actually witnessed Joh pulling the trigger.

So while, Konstantin wants revenge from John, he may actually be innocent of the crime. In the upcoming episodes, John will learn about what he may have done to Catharina. Days of Our Lives spoilers say that the accusation may not sit with him well and he may decide to investigate the matter.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers - John
DOOL/ Will John be able to clear his name?

With the stinging need to clear his name, John will fly off to Aria , Greece, to unearth the real truth. But will he be able to prove his innocence, or will he actually end up finding an even scarier truth?

Will Konstantin get justice for his daughter? Only time will tell, or the Days of Our Lives spoilers will! So stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily so you don’t miss a thing!

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