The Young And The Restless

The Young and The Restless Spoilers: Old Lovers Reunite After Diane LEAVES Jack

The Young and The Restless Spoilers: Old Lovers Reunite After Diane LEAVES Jack

The Young and The Restless Spoilers - jack-Diane - Phyllis

Things have really taken a horrible turn for Jack Abbott, reveal The Young and The Restless spoilers. His heroic act of saving Nikki Newman from her own self, ended up winning him no fans. Even though he did manage to get the desired results, that was making her go to rehab to become sober, it really did not work for him.

The Young and The Restless spoilers reveal that his partner, Diane Jenkins, is so miffed by his heroic but reckless pill-popping actions that she can’t seem to find it in her heart to forgive him right off the bat. Even when Jack offered her his heartfelt apology and his assurance, he could not convince Diane that the one-off incident won’t spiral into a relapse.

The young and the restless -jack Diane jack Diane-
Y&R/ Diane lashes at Jack for his extreme actions

Hurt and livid in equal propositions, Diane stopped Jack right in his tracks, and asked him to give her some space, point The Young and The Restless spoilers. Chances are that the space that she has injected between them will blow up into an explosive separation, or a break between the couple in the upcoming episodes.

Honestly, we do understand where Diane is coming from. But we can also see why stepping away from Jack even momentarily could fire back in a big bad way for her. Especially if she still loves him and would want to continue their relationship in the future! The danger comes in a red hot packaging, labelled – Phyllis!

The Young And The Restless Spoilers-Phyllis
Y&R/ Will Phyllis get her eyes on jack again?

The Young and The Restless spoilers hint that once Red gets a whiff of the rift between old nemesis Diane and her own former lover, Jack, she will swoop right in to take advantage of the opportunity. Fans will remember that Phyllis and Jack were still together when Diane returned to GC. It was Phyllis’ paranoia and acts against Diane that drove jack away.

Could this be her moment of revenge against Diane for stealing her lover, wonder The Young and The Restless spoilers. Well, whether she managed to snag Jack right back or not, is anyone’s guess at this point. Although, we do not doubt for a second that she will most certainly try to make a play for Jack!

The Young and The Restless spoilers - Phyllis - Jack
Y&R/ Will Phyllis and jack reunite?

Do you think Jack will fall for Phyllis again? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more The Young and The Restless Spoilers to find out what happens next!

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