Days Of Our Lives

Things Take a Grim Turn For Wendy and Tripp While Stefan Makes a Desperate Deal With EJ

Things Take a Grim Turn For Wendy and Tripp While Stefan Makes a Desperate Deal With EJ

Wendy and Tripp yell and bang on the side of the beer tank.

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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After summoning Steve and John to her apartment, Ava tells them of Clyde’s demand to break him out of prison. It’s a hard pass for Black Patch. Ava emphatically states they have no other choice if they want to see Tripp and Wendy again. The trio bicker until Steve and John come around to see things Ava’s way.

Gesturing for emphasis, Ava glares at Steve and John in her apartment.

In the beer tank, Tripp imagines him and Wendy on a road trip, eating their way through Italy. In reality, the only thing that makes their nightmare bearable is having Wendy right beside him. She feels the same. They anticipate spa treatments for Wendy and three weeks of watching March Madness for Tripp once they get out. Finally reaching his limit, Tripp starts pacing and rapidly breathing. To calm him, Wendy takes a turn at guiding Tripp through Pisa.

Stefan lumbers into the DiMera living room, panting, and pours himself a drink. Wearing his robe, EJ saunters in, wondering why his brother called him so late. Stefan slams his drink and takes a deep breath before admitting he needs his help. EJ glibly passes, but Stefan tells him he shot Harris. “What the bloody hell?!” EJ seethes, wondering what he was thinking. Stefan says he was protecting Gabi, but he didn’t finish the job, so Clyde is coming for him.

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Kate wears sunglasses and a hat with an oversized brim. Roman wears a baseball cap and sunglasses.

In a dark paneled hallway, Kate wears a flamboyantly large hat and sunglasses while Roman dons a baseball cap and shades. Wearing a monk’s robe, Lucas opens a door to them. “Good evening, Brother,” Kate deadpans. After welcoming them into his modest room, Lucas bemoans how quiet and lonely it is there despite it being better than Statesville. They quip about the minimalist nature of Lucas’ accommodations, his forced celibacy, and his laundry and gardening duties. When Kate mentions she visited with the abbot before coming to Lucas’ room, he scoffs.

Kate: “What? Your mother can’t mind her Ps and Qs with a man of God?”

Lucas: “I thought you’d be struck down by lightning as soon as you entered the building, but good for you.”

Kate: “Glass houses, my friend.”

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At the DiMera mansion, Stefan further explains to EJ that Harris knows he’s the shooter, so he’s demanding he help take Clyde down. It’s spun so far out of control he doesn’t know what to do. EJ calmly says Stefan will do nothing while he calls the police. As Stefan explodes at his brother, his gaze lands on Stefano’s portrait. He knows their father would tell EJ to preserve family at all costs.

EJ mocks his brother for invoking Stefano, but agrees to help… in exchange for all of his DiMera shares, along with his land holdings and offshore assets. Stefan points out he’ll be destitute. But alive, EJ retorts. EJ will have him safely transported to a country that doesn’t hold extradition with the U.S. He has other ideas to be shared in due time. To keep Gabi safe, Stefan agrees.

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After “breaking down in their car in Pisa,” Wendy and Tripp grow serious in the tank. Tripp assures her that together, they can survive anything. They hear noises from outside the tank. When the hatch doesn’t open, they wonder if it’s not Goldman out there, but someone who could help them. They bang on the wall, yelling until they hear a squeaking noise and a continuous ticking sound. “What the hell was that?” Wendy worriedly asks.

In a monk's robe, Lucas laughs while playing cards with Roman and Kate at the monastery. Kate has the largest pile of nuts in front of her.

At the monastery, Roman, Kate and Lucas play poker with nuts in lieu of chips. They discuss Clyde’s reign of terror on Salem, Julie’s rebuild of the Horton house, and Kate’s uncharacteristic agreement to run a 5K (a $5000 bottle of wine as the prize tipped the scales). Lucas grows morose. “It’s nice to see you guys living life to the fullest.” Kate assures him this won’t last forever and asks what he plans to do when he gets his life back. Lucas has ideas, but worries he won’t get his freedom. She vows they’ll celebrate his return with the whole family, who will shower him with so much love and affection.

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At the apartment, Ava, Steve and John plot their break out plan, which involves somehow disappearing Clyde into thin air. John tells Ava they’ll need help from her family members.

When the ticking sound stops in the tank, Tripp realizes the vents have closed. “We’re sealed in.” Tripp holds Wendy as she fears death.

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Kate and Roman leave Lucas with supplies and books, including The Count of Monte Cristo. Kate assures Lucas that this will be over soon. Lucas wonders if, when that happens, he’ll go home or back to Statesville.

At the mansion, EJ draws up a formal contract. Stefan scowls. “Father would never approve of this.” EJ counters it’s straight out of his playbook. “My help is the only option you have left. This is what it costs.” Stefan reluctantly signs.

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