The Young And The Restless

Young & Restless’ Ashley Is Headed to Fairview — and You Won’t *Believe* Who She’ll See There

Young & Restless’ Ashley Is Headed to Fairview — and You Won’t *Believe* Who She’ll See There

Ashley question mashup Y&R

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI 

Ashley’s alters are desperately afraid of being sent to Fairview, but we’re pretty sure that’s exactly where they and their “vessel” are headed. What’s surprising is the identity of the Young & Restless character she may end up with as a roomie!

As Ashley’s alternate personalities battled it out amongst themselves, the one thing they could agree on was that they didn’t want Ashley to end up being sent off to Fairview — and with good reason. The dreaded Dissociative Identity Disorder will be dealt with there and the alters, who are sure they’re the only ones who can keep Ashley safe, will cease to exist.
Ashley alters Y&R

The situation had reached a critical point, with Jack and Billy having to physically bar Ashley from leaving the Abbott mansion, when the frantic Jabot CEO was finally able to reach Sharon — Genoa City’s go-to therapist despite the fact that she runs a tech company and a coffee house. Sharon was on the scene within minutes, scribbling notes, providing guidance, and looking like a million bucks to boot.

After Ashley was taken upstairs to rest, Billy confessed to the distressed group that he once had a run-in with the pesky D.I.D. disorder and opened up about the dark turn his life took as a result. He suspected that Ashley was suffering from the same condition, given she had been referring to herself in the third person and having memory blackouts. How incredibly convenient to have a family member who had alternate personalities of his own — really helps to speed up the diagnosis!
Billy Y&R

While Billy beat off his alters in a sweaty boathhouse battle, Ashley, we’d think, will be bundled up and driven off to Fairview, where she can heal with the help of Sharon-vetted professionals. After all, what better recommendation for the place than that the therapist was once admitted there herself?!
Sharon Fairview Y&R

But as any longtime Young & Restless viewer will tell you, one doesn’t go to Fairview and just quietly do the work to heal. No, no, no. Drama must ensue. If there’s not a creepy attendant who is out to get you, then you get a questionable roommate.

The most likely person to encounter there is the notorious Patty Williams, sister of former chief of police Paul, and ex-wife, stalker, and attempted murderer of Ashley’s brother, Jack. Fortunately for Ash, the last we heard about Pattycakes she was in a different facility called Rivercrest.

So, who might Ashley encounter at Fairview?

Well, with Victor and Nikki’s anniversary party about to provide yet another showdown between the Newmans and Jordan, it could be Claire’s crazy aunt who lands in the bed next to the beleagured Abbott.

This is a soap opera, so we can totally imagine Jordan being declared criminally insane and sent to Fairview and it’s hallowed hallways of padded rooms rather than back to the state pen.
Jordan vial Y&R

Of course, it’s more likely that Jordan will end up behind bars or even dead, which brings us to another possible roommate for Ash.

We’re convinced Jordan isn’t acting alone and suspect Claire may be her accomplice. Find out why here.

When Jordan’s plan to hurt the Newmans goes down during the anniversary party, Claire will play a role. Which way the pendulum will swing remains to be seen. But if our hunch is correct, it could be Victoria’s daughter who ends up needing some serious rehabilitation far beyond what Memorial’s mental health wing can provide.
Claire Victoria Y&R

If Ashley and Claire end up as roomies at Fairview, and a strengthening Ashley takes her under her wing, it could be the young woman’s only hope of winning back the trust of Genoa City residents. Stay tuned!

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