General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Puts His Diabolical Plan In Motion, Can Carly-Jason Save Sonny?

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Puts His Diabolical Plan In Motion, Can Carly-Jason Save Sonny?

General Hospital Spoilers-Sonny-

When Valentin first entered the world of Port Charles, he was the evilest Cassadine of all, recall General Hospital spoilers. However, with time the sexy devil softened a great deal. He stood shoulder to shoulder with PC citz in the fierce fight against his father. But Alas! Looks like it was all an act after all! The latest episodes revealed that Val is back on the dark side!

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Is Running Pikeman and Intents To Take-Down Sonny

Valentin’s decision of staying far away from beloved Anna is suddenly making so much sense. That woman is all sorts of smart and would manage to sniff the truth out of her hunky ex in no time. And Val can’t have that, can he? He even warned his partner in crime – Brennan with dire consequences if he spilled the truth to Anna, recall General Hospital spoilers.

Also read: Exciting Week Coming Up On General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers - Valentin
GH/ Valentin has embraced his dark Cassadine side yet again

But how long can Valentin really keep the secret from Anna, or anyone else for that matter? Especially, since he is making such bold moves against Sonny! Brennan’s plan to gun down Sonny were effectively foiled by Jason.

But Valentin standing true to his Cassadine blood has come up with a much sneakier and sinister plan, confirm General Hospital spoilers. In his recent clandestine meeting with Brennan, Val told him that he has deployed new arsenal against Sonny.

General Hospital Spoilers- Brennan- Valentin
GH/ Valentin fills Brennan in on his new plan against Sonny

He has planted a rat to switch up Sonny’s bipolar medication to dilute it to just one quarter of the prescribed strength. While, in the scene Valentin was speaking in future tense, we have a feeling that he had already set his plan in motion. Especially, considering the unhinged paranoid way Sonny is behaving.

In fact, even Carly and Jason picked up on his “off” behavior. General Hospital spoilers reveal that they have a nagging feeling that Sonny is off his medication! Speaking of nagging feelings, we too have one! And it points towards Ava being Valentin’s plant!

Further read: Sonny Is In Grave Danger

General Hospital Spoilers- Jason - Carly
GH/ Can Carly and Jason save Sonny from Valentin’s evil plan?

Think about it, she is the only one who currently has that sort of access to Sonny and his possessions. Moreover, the mobster is trusting her blindly! The pieces fit perfectly! Don’t you think? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more General Hospital updates.

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