The Young And The Restless

The Young And The Restless Spoilers & Preview Video For The Week Of April 1-5, 2024

The Young And The Restless Spoilers & Preview Video For The Week Of April 1-5, 2024

The Young And The Restless Spoilers-Nikki

The Young And The Restless Spoilers and Preview video for the week of April 1-5, 2024, reveals that Victoria and Cole will head off for a fun tour with Claire. Meanwhile, Nikki will get a vodka treat from a mysterious gentleman. Lastly, Ashley’s health will worsen, which will concern Traci. Keep reading for more!

Victoria And Cole’s Tack House Trip For Claire!

The preview video shows Victoria and Cole being determined to have some family fun despite Jordan causing trouble. With Jordan on the loose after escaping the hospital, there’s worry about her next move. But Claire isn’t scared. Still, Victoria and Cole want to keep her mind off things.

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Y&R/ Victoria and Cole surprise Claire

All fans know, Claire has always been curious about her parent’s past, so Cole suggests they should show her instead of just talking about it. This leaves Claire eager to see what her parents have in store.

In the preview, Victoria hints at taking Claire to where it all began for them. The Young and the Restless spoilers suggest that Claire will get a tour of the tack house where Victoria and Cole once lived.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Nikki’s Close Encounter With Danger!

In the next scene, Nikki and Jack seem to be chilling at the table when a waiter suddenly brings over a drink they didn’t order. When Nikki asks what it is, the waiter insists it’s from a mysterious gentleman at the bar.

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Y&R/ Nikki and Jack at a bar

But when Nikki and Jack turn around to see, no one is there. Nikki’s no fool, though. She knows something’s fishy, so she demands to know what’s in the drink. When she finds out it’s her weakness, triple premium distilled vodka, she starts to panic.

Nikki waves her hands like crazy and tells the waiter to get rid of it ASAP! That’s because Nikki seems pretty sure this has Jordan written all over it. That’s her Achilles’ heel, and Jordan knows it. Could Jordan be in cahoots with someone else now? Or maybe she’s gone all out and disguised herself as a man to pull this off.

Traci’s Shocking Discovery About Ashley!

Next, Traci is shocked when she sees her sister Ashley looking rough and completely out of sorts. When Ashley finally resurfaces at the ranch, Traci can’t help but express concern. She wants to know where Ashley has been and if she’s okay.

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Y&R/Traci’s concerns for Ashley

In the preview video, Ashley, who seems fragile, admits, “I don’t know,” when Traci questions her. This moment seems to reveal a rare time when the real Ashley is showing vulnerability. However, it won’t be long before her alternate personalities resurface, vying for control.

Our hunch is that Ashley’s mental struggles are far from over, and things are only going to get tougher for her. So stick around to see what’s more in store for Ashley. Meanwhile, stay glued to Soap Opera Daily for your daily fix of The Young and the Restless spoilers and gossip! Also, enjoy the preview video given below!

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