The Bold And The Beautiful

Au Revoir! Bold & Beautiful Bids Adieu to Thomas — and He’s Not the Only One!

Au Revoir! Bold & Beautiful Bids Adieu to Thomas — and He’s Not the Only One!

douglas steffy ridge Thomas mashup B&B

Credit: CBS screenshot 

Mon Dieu! In the blink of an eye, Thomas went from bended knee to standing tall and waving goodbye after Hope turned down his marriage proposal for the second time and Steffy convinced him to walk right out of her life!

With Thomas packing up his adorable son Douglas and heading for Forrester International it crossed our minds that Matthew Atkinson and Henry Joseph Samiri’s characters could be headed for the same fate as Thorne and Rick, who moved to Paris to work overseas and have rarely, if ever, been heard from or seen again.
Thomas Douglas B&B

But we don’t think that’s the case here, and we’ll tell you why.

Hope and Thomas’s love story just can’t end this way. Why not? When two characters are still in love it’s called “unfinished business”, which means there’s more of this tale to be told.
Thomas Hope B&B

We suspect that “Thope’s” heart-wrenching forced separation is simply a stall tactic that is setting the scene for a romantic Thomas and Hope reunion in Paris, perhaps during May Sweeps.

That means that Atkinson and Samiri could be offscreen for a couple of months, unless we’re going to get scenes from their new life in Paris.

Two months in Bold & Beautiful time is eons, so Thomas and Hope could even attempt to move on with others in the meantime (before realizing they just can’t live without each other, of course).

Steffy’s plot to separate Thomas from his love could come back to bite her if Hope and Finn grow closer as a result, and Thomas just might run into a forgotten Forrester overseas, who could complicate a possible future reunion with Hope.
Steffy Thomas

Depending on Bold & Beautiful’s plan for Thomas’ love life, Atkinson and Samiri could be offscreen for quite some time or only a mere moment. Either way, it’s time to say au revoir to these characters for now!

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