The Bold And The Beautiful

Forgotten Forrester Returns to The Fold — But to Romance Who?

Forgotten Forrester Returns to The Fold — But to Romance Who?

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI 

We’re big believers in things happening for a reason. So while looking through the awesome photos from Bold & Beautiful‘s 37th anniversary bash this weekend, we got suspicious. Why? Because there, looking drop-dead gorgeous, was someone who hasn’t been a part of the canvas for quite a while. Although it’s not all that unusual for soaps to invite former stars to shindigs, we had a feeling that there was more going on than met the eye.

Sure enough, it turns out that Ashleigh Brewer is heading back to the fashion-set sudser as Ivy Forrester. And quite frankly, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Why? Well, before we get to that, let us remind you who Ivy is and how she fits into the canvas!

Wyatt, Ivy proposal Bold and Beautiful

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Back in 2018, the show introduced Ivy as the niece of Eric Forrester, making her the daughter of his brother, John. At the time, Forrester Creations needed a jewelry designer, having nixed their partnership with Quinn. Before long, she was bonding with Spencer bros Wyatt and Liam and getting mixed up in all kinds of trouble.

If you remember any one moment from Ivy’s tenure on the soap, it’s probably the one that took place during the soap’s glamorous trip to Paris back in 2014. At the time, everyone had jetted to the beautiful city so that Hope (at the time played by Kim Matula) could do a photoshoot at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. The whole thing revolved around the Hope for the Future diamond, a beautiful stone that Wyatt had secured and which he was kinda sorta using as part of his efforts to romance Hope… despite her clearly still being into his brother, Liam.

Scott Clifton, Ashleigh Brewer "The Bold and the Beautiful" Set Location Los Angeles, CA. 06/31/14 © sean smith/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 6887 U.S.Airdate 08/11/14

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Wyatt’s mom, Quinn, was desperate to further her son’s romantic interest so she pushed Ivy off a bridge and into the river. Why? So that Liam would dive in and rescue the distressed damsel as opposed to meeting Hope at the appointed time to declare his love. Disappointed by his no-show, Hope of course dashed off and married Wyatt, as one will.

Liam and Ivy later got involved, and his portrayer, Scott Clifton, has long suggested that she might just be the one who got away, and with whom Liam could have found true happiness. “Liam and Ivy were great together,” Clifton told us. “And of course, you could not ask to work with a more lovely, talented and sweet person than Ashleigh!”

Which, of course, brings us to the current situation. Is it simply a coincidence that Brewer is returning just as Liam happens to be single? The women he normally ping-pongs between are both caught up in their own individual romantic dramas,, and we all know that Liam is not the type of guy to simply sit and twiddle his thumbs. Then again, Ivy was also involved at one point with Thomas, and it would no doubt make Liam’s head explode if his nemesis managed to go from Hope to Ivy!

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