Days Of Our Lives

DOOL Spoilers: Eric Tries To Get The Truth Out Of Holly, Sensing She’s Holding Back About Tate

DOOL Spoilers: Eric Tries To Get The Truth Out Of Holly, Sensing She’s Holding Back About Tate

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers and updates tease Eric Brady (Greg Vaughn) tries to get the truth out of Holly Jonas (Ashley Puzemis) sensing she’s holding back.

Eric thinks she knows more about Tate Black (Jamie Martin Mann) and what really happened than she says she does.

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – Eric Brady Took Care Of Holly Jonas As A Child

Eric thinks of Holly as his own, and that’s not surprising, considering he took care of her as a small child, along with Sarah and Maggie Horton (Linsey Godfrey, Suzanne Rogers).

This was during a period of time that Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker) was thought killed in an explosion of a warehouse, but in reality, was alive. Later, Holly herself was presumed dead, killed in a horrible car accident after being kidnapped.

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Eric Tries To Get The Truth Out Of Holly, Sensing She's Holding Back About TateEric ultimately found out they were both alive and tracked them down, bringing them back safely to Salem.

Eric has always been a father figure to Holly and she has thought of him that way as well, so he thinks he can get her to tell the truth.

DOOL Spoilers – There’s More To The Story

Eric and Nicole discuss Holly and her drug overdose and how she seems to be covering for Tate, and Nicole notes that Holly keeps saying it’s not his fault.

However, she won’t admit where she got the drugs-in reality, she got them from someone in school and tried to get Tate to take them.

Neither teenager tells the truth, at least not entirely-if Holly tells the whole truth that the drugs were hers, she worries about herself getting into legal trouble.

Tate tried to stop her from taking them but obviously couldn’t, then took the blame himself and kept digging himself deeper into a hole.

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – Eric Brady Can Tell Holly Jonas Feels Guilty

Eric can tell that Holly feels guilty about what has happened to Tate because of all the events around her taking the overdose that night.

Since then he’s gotten himself in more trouble, breaking out of the halfway house and climbing up to her bedroom window, although she is the one who let her in!

Eric agrees with Holly about EJ DiMera (Dan Feurreriegel) overreacting and charging Tate with breaking and entering.

There have been more people going through the secret entrance and getting trapped in the wine cellar than Eric can count with the fingers on both hands!

Yet, not one of them has been charged with breaking and entering, and EJ still won’t close off the secret entrance in the garden!

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