The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For The Week Of March 25-29, 2024: Finn Supports Luna, Struggles With Personal Issues

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For The Week Of March 25-29, 2024: Finn Supports Luna, Struggles With Personal Issues

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers-Finn

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers for the week of March 25-29, 2024, reveal that Finn will be on a new mission dealing with family stuff. Meanwhile, Poppy will try hard to protect Luna as she confronts Bill about it.

Elsewhere, Deacon still struggles to get over Sheila. And not only Deacon but Finn will also try to forget her so that he can get back with Steffy. But can he? Keep reading to know more!

Finn’s Mission To Support Luna

Firstly, Finn will be on a mission after Poppy asks him to be there for Luna. But the question is, will Luna see through it all? The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers suggest that Luna might learn about her mom’s attempt to keep her curious mind at rest. So even though Luna will appreciate Finn’s support, what she really wants is Poppy’s confession about her father.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers- Poppy-Finn
B&B/ Poppy sets Finn on a mission

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Speaking of confession, will Poppy spill one to Bill? Since Bill knows about Poppy’s lost mint box, he might wonder if she found it. It is possible that Poppy might get emotional and suddenly tell that Luna accidentally ate those mints.

It is also possible Poppy might admit that this was the reason that clouded Luna’s judgement and she hit the sheets with Zende, which could now mess up her relationship with RJ if he finds out. But no matter what happens, Bill will probably feel sorry for Luna’s feelings and might ask Poppy to tell the truth about Luna’s dad. If Poppy won’t say, maybe Bill could get her to tell him instead.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Deacon Struggles With Sheila’s Memory

Meanwhile, Deacon will continue to mourn the loss of the woman he loves, Sheila. It’s hard for Deacon to put his life back on track. And The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers say it looks like things won’t be getting any easier for him anytime soon.

Back to Finn, he really wants to shake off those Sheila hallucinations and fix things with Steffy. Can Finn kick Sheila out of his mind for good, or will she keep bothering him at the worst moments?

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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers-Deacon
B&B/ Deacon struggles

Regardless, the Sheila investigation still hasn’t wrapped up properly. Will Steffy hear some good news and find out she’s in the clear, or could things take a turn for the worse? B&B spoilers hint that Deputy Chief Bradley Baker will have to give an update sooner or later.

So, stick around to see what happens next. Meanwhile, stay glued to Soap Opera Daily for your daily fix of The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers and gossip!

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