Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Kristen and Alex Are Dating! Theresa- Brady Fly In Jealous Rage

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Kristen and Alex Are Dating! Theresa- Brady Fly In Jealous Rage

Days of Our Lives spoilers - Alex- Kristen

DOOL makers never fail to amuse with the occasional unexpected bombshells they drop! Latest Days of Our Live spoilers reveal that Alex and Kristen are again coming together for a strategy session over their respective love interests. But could this intense discussion lead to sparks flying between them? Are we about to have an all new couple?

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Alex and Kristina Go On A Date

We know Alex is on the edge ever since Theresa distances herself from him. Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal that he once again turns to Kristina for help. Now, the first obvious solution here would be for Alex to actually make a proposal to Theresa. Especially, since he wants her back so bad.

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DOOL/ Kristen and Alex scheme

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But where’s the drama in that? And what is a soap opera if not dramatic? Thus, Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal that Kristina may have a more spicy, and more chaotic scheme to win their respective love interests back!

Kristina may suggest that she and Alex should fake date to make Theresa and Brady jealous. And the plan might very well work. The latest Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal that a few episodes down the line. Brady corners Alex with a string questions. We are not surprised at all!

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DOOL/ Brady and Theresa get jealous of Kristen and Alex

We have seen this trope work out exceedingly well many times before. However, even though Alex and Kristen may succeed in making Brady jealous, it is unlikely that Kristina and he would have a romantic reunion anytime soon. Although Alex is going to be luckier!

Some Days of Our Lives spoilers and leaked BTS pics hint at an upcoming wedding for Alex. So there is a thick chance that he will succeed in winning Theresa back. But considering Theresa’s secret plans with Konstanin, we can’t say whether or not the wedding happens!

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DOOL/ Alex dressed as a groom in a BTS

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It is very likely that Theresa’s deception might get revealed right at the alter and Alex leaves her. But then, he has proven himself to be quite forgiving, so there is still hope for Theresa. What do you think will happen? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more Days of Our Lives spoilers!

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