The Bold And The Beautiful

Deputy Chief Baker Questions Steffy, Deacon Learns Sheila is Dead — and Hope Consoles Finn

Deputy Chief Baker Questions Steffy, Deacon Learns Sheila is Dead — and Hope Consoles Finn

Friday, March 1, 2024: Today on The Bold and the Beautiful, Finn tells Deacon that Sheila’s never coming back, Ridge chases Baker away, and Hope comforts a grieving Finn.

Finn Hope B&B

Credit: Howard Wise/

At the cliff house, Finn looks at Sheila’s blood on his hands. He can’t believe his mother’s dead and his wife killed her. Steffy reiterates if she hadn’t defended herself, she’d be dead. Finn says Sheila’s blood has always been inside of him, and now his birth mother’s blood is on his hands. “And yours, Steffy.” Finn knows the things Sheila did were inexcusable, but that doesn’t change that she was his birth mother. He thought about her constantly as a kid, and it meant so much when he finally got to meet her. “Now I’m never going to see her again… because you killed her.” Steffy gets that this is difficult, but Sheila broke in there and came at her with a crazy look in her eye… the same look as when she shot them in the alley. Finn understands her having to defend herself, but it doesn’t change the fact that his mother died in his own home at the hands of his wife. Police sirens sound and Finn announces that he can’t do this. He dashes out the patio doors, leaving Steffy stunned.

At Forrester, Hope and Brooke can’t believe Steffy killed Sheila. Carter asks how Steffy is doing. Ridge says she’s shaken up. They’re all glad that the kids weren’t there. Hope is in shock that Steffy took her husband’s birth mother’s life. She’s not suggesting that Steffy crossed a line; they all know how dangerous Sheila can be. They all agree it sounds like a nightmare. Hope feels for Finn having to reconcile his wife taking the life of his mother.

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Ridge is having trouble buying this deep connection that Finn and Sheila had. Li raised him; she was a real mother to him. Hope can’t believe they can’t see how this could be complicated for Finn — his wife killed the woman who gave him life. Thomas interjects, “In self-defense.” He’s sure Finn’s had time to process now and has come to a place to support Steffy as he should. Ridge worries, what if he can’t support her? He decides to go back over. Carter offers to come along, but Ridge doesn’t want it to look like they need a lawyer right now. After Ridge leaves, Hope observes that Finn wasn’t the only one with complex feelings about Sheila. When her dad finds out about Sheila’s death he’s going to be devastated.

At Il Giardino, Deacon looks up when Finn rushes past him. He follows him.

More: Here we ‘toe’ again – is Sheila really dead?

At the cliff house, Deputy Chief Baker tells Steffy it’s hard to believe Sheila’s dead after all these years. He notes that she died there and asks Steffy to tell him what happened. Steffy describes hearing a banging noise that sounded deliberate. Baker muses, “That had to be unnerving.” Steffy says it was. She tells him that she was making dinner when the power went out. She was looking for candles and saw a shadow above her. She turned around and Sheila was right there. She reached into her pocket and Steffy was afraid Sheila was going to shoot her. Baker says the report indicates that Sheila was unarmed. Steffy could have swore she had a gun. She shot her before. Steffy recalls that she told her to get out but she kept coming closer. She grabbed a knife and when Sheila lunged at her, she stabbed her. Baker asks, “With the knife.” Steffy says yes. It was self-defense.
Steffy Baker B&B

In Deacon’s apartment, Finn picks up a photo of Sheila and holds it. He spots her jacket and picks it up. Deacon walks in and asks, “Finn, what are you doing here? Are you alright?” Finn says, “The cops are at my house.” Deacon’s dismayed to hear that Sheila went there. She promised she’d stay away from Finn and his family. Finn tells him, “Sheila’s not coming back. Not ever.”
Finn B&B

At Forrester, Hope knows Deacon will be hit really hard by the news about Sheila. Brooke sighs, “Well, at least he’s free.” She’s not sorry that Sheila’s no longer a threat. “She was a monster.” Thomas knows one other good thing, “Your dad. He won’t have to keep his distance from you and the kids anymore.” Hope will be there for him. “Starting tonight.” She says she’s going to tell her dad the news.

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At the cliff house, Ridge comes in as Baker is trying to get the complete story. Ridge says a psycho broke into his daughter’s house looking to harm her or the kids and Steffy protected herself. “Case closed.” Baker argues that’s not for him to say. Ridge insists it’s been a long day and they’re done. Baker says, “For now. But you know I will be asking more questions, right?” Ridge barks, “Not without an attorney.” Baker exits and Ridge hugs Steffy. He asks, “Where’s Finn?” Steffy says he left. Ridge squints angrily.
Steffy Ridge Baker B&B

At Deacon’s place, he asks Finn if Steffy had Sheila arrested. Finn says no. “Sheila broke into our house, threatened Steffy. Steffy grabbed a kitchen knife to protect herself. Sheila lunged at Steffy and, in self-defense, Steffy stabbed Sheila. She killed her.” Deacon’s jaw drops.
Deacon Finn B&B

Deacon reels. “Steffy killed her?” Finn says it was self-defense. He’s sorry that Sheila’s gone. “She was my mother.” Deacon walks out.

At Forrester, Thomas, Brooke, and Carter discuss Steffy’s situation. Thomas can’t believe his sister was put in the position to have to kill someone. “I can’t imagine what she’s feeling right now.”

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Hope arrives at Deacon’s apartment and Finn tells her he’s gone. “He went somewhere.” Hope asks him why he’s not at home. Finn couldn’t stay. Hope tells her she heard that his mom is gone. She came to tell her dad. Finn says that’s why he left — he told him. Hope tells Finn, “I’m sorry.” Finn muses, “I shouldn’t be this upset after everything she’s done to me.” Even to the end, Sheila was being Sheila. He should hate her, “Why don’t I hate her?” He knows the party line — that Sheila isn’t worthy of love. “I don’t think I loved her. I mean, how could I, right? She was an animal who got what she deserved. That’s what Ridge said.” He tears up. “She was my mom, and now I’m not going to get to see her again.” Hope rushes over and pulls him into her arms. “I’m sorry.”
Finn Hope B&B

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At the cliff house, Ridge tells Steffy her husband should be there. “Where the hell is Finn?”



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