The Young And The Restless

Ashley’s Actions Cause Tucker to Realize Something Is Off — and [Spoiler] Arranges a Secret Meeting with Jordan

Ashley’s Actions Cause Tucker to Realize Something Is Off — and [Spoiler] Arranges a Secret Meeting with Jordan

Friday March 8, 2024: Today on The Young and the Restless, Mariah and Tessa contemplate getting a new home, Ashley makes a declaration to Tucker in front of Audrea, and Nikki vents at AA.

Tucker and Audra face off with Ashley Y&R

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI

Mariah walks into Society and asks “Madame Manager” if she’s ready to clock out. She’s hoping they can sit down and have a snack but Tessa is still sorting something out. They have wine and eat before Tessa explains. She tells her about how one of the guards at the ranch stopped her, thinking she was Jordan. He was new and soon started apologizing when he realized his flub. Mariah will complain about it to Victor. Tessa is glad there’s security but this is getting to be a bit much and she worries about how it might affect Aria. Maybe it’s time to move? Is the ranch the right place to raise their baby? The Newmans don’t live a quiet life and they suck in those around them. Mariah never thought they would live there forever. It’s the Newman ranch and they aren’t Newmans. It may be time to create their own home.

Tessa and Mariah discuss ranch life Y&R

They sit on the couch and look at houses online. If they want green space, they’d have to head to the park. They find a farm house in their price range. Mariah doesn’t want to move to the boonies and they need to make a list of what they are looking for. As they look, they find a place with a kitchen and talk about learning how to cook. Tessa loves planning their future. They have a lifetime together. Neither of them grew up with parents who adored them and they get to give that to their daughter. There is no one else they would want to live this dream with.

Tessa and Mariah discuss getting a home Y&R

In his suite at the Athletic Club, Tucker gets a text from Ashley, urgently requesting they meet. He calls her and asks what this is about. She won’t discuss this on the phone but he doesn’t see the point in talking. He’s preparing to go to Paris without her but will break some chairs in honor of her. This is getting old and he only wishes she would wish him bon voyage. She insists that once they have spoken face to face, he will re-think everything.

When Ashley arrives at his suite, he wonders if this is connected to Abby’s earlier visit and points out her daughter has alarm bells going off since she urged Devon to forgive him. Her daughter put him on notice. Ashley says that’s sweet but unnecessary. Tucker says her daughter is confused and so is he. She can understand he’s skeptical but she wants things to go back to the way they were between them. They have never felt the same with anyone else and she wants to be part of every single aspect of his life. He doesn’t trust her. She tells him it takes honesty. Shutting her down, he declares it’s not going to happen. He thought she might have something honest to say but he’s sure this is a scam. Reaching out to him, she says she’s only after one thing. He backs away, refusing to fall into this trap. The Abbott thinks they can get back on track to being outrageously happy. “That’s enough!” he yells. They circle the room and she says that yelling won’t drive her away. She knows all this rage is because she wounded him. McCall asks her to leave again and Ashley asks what she has to do to prove she will never hurt him again.

Tucker backs Ashley off in suite Y&R

Audra comes to the door. She enthusiastically kisses him before she spots the other woman. Tucker says she was just leaving. “I’d give that kiss a three out of 10,” Ashley snaps before declaring that she and Tucker have a once-in-a-lifetime connection and will be husband and wife again. Stupidly, she sabotaged that but is now determined to rectify her mistake.

Ashley taunts Audra Y&R

After she walks out, Audra sighs and Tucker shakes his head. He assures her this was not some secret rendezvous. She wonders why it was happening in a room with a bed and can only imagine what she had the brass to say before she showed up. McCall tells her that he’s been clear to his ex about how he feels. She’s never insisted they get back together like this so he assumes it must be some kind of strategic play. It won’t work. Stroking her hair, he tells Audra he almost lost her once and won’t let it happen again. She thinks that Ashley’s tough stance is sheer bravado. He sensed more than that. It’s like she was confused about what she was doing and why. Audra is happy to see that he’s packed for Paris and jokes that his ex might hide is his suitcase. Tucker promises her that she won’t interfere with their trip. Smiling, Audra can’t wait for them to be away and together like they never have been before. They kiss. After they have sex, he sits and thinks, realizing something is not right.

Tucker and Ashley talk about how weird Ashley is Y&R

Down in the bar, Ashley orders an old fashioned. The voice in her head says she thinks she suspects. “It won’t be much longer now. Then she will be safe for good,” Ashley says to the voice.

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Jordan calls Victor and brings up the fire. Is it true there were no injuries or casualties? She wants to know where Claire is really residing. He won’t say. Jordan doesn’t believe a word of his offer to show remorse over what he did to her sister. He claims he’s willing to make amends to put an end to this horrible story. They argue about her stealing Claire. Sarcastically, he says her loyalty to her sister is deeply touching and rolls his eyes as he goes on about his pangs of conscience. If he’s going to make amends, he wants to look into her eyes. He could be placing himself in her trap. Is she willing to take that risk? He is.

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Jack arrives at the Newman ranch and Nikki apologizes for calling him so late. He’s glad she did instead of taking a drink, especially since everyone seems to be asleep. He’s thankful there’s no alcohol left in the house. That’s not exactly true. Nikki walks over to the couch and pulls a bottle of vodka out of the covers. It’s full and the seal is unbroken. She doesn’t know where to begin. He’s shocked when she mentions fire and murder. They sit and she explains that Seth clearly confronted Jordan and then she pushed him into traffic to send her a message. If only she hadn’t asked him to string Jordan along… Jack assures her nothing is her fault. She then tells him about Jordan burning down Victoria’s house. Thankfully, no one was hurt. There is security everywhere but she is terrified for her family and all she wants is a drink. Checking his watch, he says they can make a meeting if they go now.

Jack and Nikki talk hiding booze at ranch Y&R

Jack and Nikki go to an AA meeting at the Athletic Club. She introduces herself to the group and recaps how she was abducted and force fed alcohol through an IV. That destroyed her sobriety and sent her to reconnecting with her longtime sponsor, Seth. She’s sorry to have to tell them but he died earlier tonight when he was pushed in front of a car by this Jordan woman. Although she has no proof, she knows she did it and hates her for it, even more than she did before. And she feels tremendous guilt for pulling him in to help her track this woman down. He always went above and beyond for her and this time it cost him his life. “I feel partially responsible and it will haunt me for the rest of my life,” she says. All she wants to do is crawl inside a bottle but that would not be the right way to honor his memory. She’s going to make it her life’s mission to see that the monster who killed him pays and pays and pays. Frankly, she wants to see her die in prison and not from old age but in the most horrific way as she begs for mercy. If there’s any justice in the world, that’s exactly what she will get. Jack listens with his mouth hanging open.

Nikki speaks about wanting Jordan dead at AA Y&R

Jack takes Nikki back to the ranch. He’s sure all that venting must have felt good for her. It did, she admits, but tomorrow Seth will still be dead and Victoria’s house will still be gone. Telling all those people how much she hated Jordan really helped. He sensed that as he listened to her. She thanks him for being her hero lately and asks for one more favor. Unzipping a pillow, she hands him the bottle stashed inside and asks him to take it away. Even though she’s feeling strong, you never know when the urge will come back. Victor walks in as this happens. His wife explains that she’s giving the bottle to Jack to get rid of. He promises to dispose of it off the ranch and exits.

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When Victor claims he has to make a call to Singapore from the office, Nikki asks him what is really going on. He asks why Jack was there and is glad to learn he stopped her from drinking again. After he suggests she get some sleep, she demands to know where he is really going.

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Ashley returns home and her brother is startled to see that she’s in a much better mood. She tells him that she’s had a new vision for her life, one that absolutely does not include Tucker.

Next on The Young and the Restless: Lily walks in on Daniel with Heather and their child, Phyllis tells Nick she feels alone and kisses him, Claire asks Nikki for the story of how she met Victor, and Jordan greets Victor and Michael with a gun.

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