Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Spoilers For Next Week (June 1-5, 2024): Gabi and Stefan Finally Reunite

Days of Our Lives Spoilers For Next Week (June 1-5, 2024): Gabi and Stefan Finally Reunite

Days of Our Lives spoilers Gabi Stefan

Next week, watch out for a heartwarming reunion for torn-apart lovers – Gabi and Stefan, point Days of Our Lives Spoilers. Meanwhile, Brady tries to talk to Theresa about some matters of the heart. Also, watch out for what Chad discovers in the whole Abigail mystery storyline!

Theresa Misreads Brady’s Signals, Gabi and Stefan Reunite

DOOL spoilers reveal that in the upcoming episodes, Tate asks Brady to put in a good word with Theresa for him and Holly. Brady eventually does go to peak with Theresa, but she completely misunderstands him. Could she end up thinking he is hitting on her? Moreover, how will she react? Especially now that she is engaged to Alex!

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DOOL/ Does Theresa still have feelings for Brady?

After months of separation, Stefan and Gabi finally reunite as she gets freed from prison. However, as soon as she gets to the DiMera Mansion, she’ll witness a major showdown between EJ and Stefan. Could it be about Stefan’s blackmail?

Also Read: Here’s all you need to know about what’s coming up next on DOOL.

Steve Gets Scary Updates, Alex Seeks Justin’s Help

Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal that Jada will scold Steve for the stunt he pulled by breaking Clyde Weston out of prison. As a consequence for the crime, Steve may actually have to do some prison time. Elsewhere, Abe too, will get some bad news from Kate regarding the partnership they had in mind.

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DOOL/ Will Steve get arrested?

Next, Alex seeks some legal advice from Justin Kiriakis on an urgent basis. Could it have something to do with making a prenup agreement for his and Theresa’s wedding? Meanwhile, at the hospital, Paulina worries about Chanel’s condition.

Chad Wonders About Abigail, Marlena Seeks Stephanie’s Help

Days updates spill that Chad will have a rather serious conversation with Kayla as she does not think Abigail would have survived the horrific attack. So, what could this mystery about the character played by Annalynne McCord be? Who really is this woman?

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DOOL/ Chad struggles to uncover the truth about Abigail

Across town, Marlena recruits Stephanie’s help in Everett/Bobby’s treatment. Not only does Stephanie agree to help, but she even urges Jada to help and visit Bobby. But will Jada agree to help him?

Later, Eric tells Nicole that he is leaving town immediately. How will she react to this bombshell? Stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more Days of Our Lives Spoilers. Meanwhile, tell us in the comments if you think a Brady-Theresa-Alex love triangle is brewing.

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