General Hospital

Sonny Refuses to Believe Jason Is Gunning For Him — and Cates Arrests Spinelli and Maxie

Sonny Refuses to Believe Jason Is Gunning For Him — and Cates Arrests Spinelli and Maxie

Thursday, March 7, 2024: Today on General Hospital, Laura helps Carly and Drew deal with Rocco and Danny, Brook Lynn and Chase have an honest talk about his job, and Portia delivers good news about Dante. 

Sonny believes in Jason GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

Carly arrives at the Quartermaine mansion, where Drew is watching the kids while everyone else is at the hospital. Suddenly Rocco and Danny fight a video game system, and Rocco storms off. Danny tells Carly and Drew that Rocco doesn’t know how to handle what is going on, and he just wants his dad to be okay.

Danny and Rocco fight GH

Drew tells Carly he’s really worried about Rocco, he’s an emotional kid, and Danny pretends like he has no feelings at all. Sam calls to check in on the boys, and Drew tells her that Rocco needs a hug and Danny’s trying to support him. Sam tells him help is on the way.

Sam sends help GH

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Jordan arrives at the hospital and meets with Laura, Sam and Olivia. Laura says Dante is still in the OR, and Jordan says the FBI and PCPD are searching for the shooters. Olivia wants the monsters locked up and the key thrown away.

Jordan talks to Laura and others GH

After calling Drew, Sam asks Laura for a favor, and she needs her to leave. She returns to Olivia, who just wants an update on her some. Sam reminds her how strong Dante is, and he won’t give up.

Brook Lynn arrives to support Chase. He says she doesn’t have to be here, but she explains when he hurts, she hurts. Later, Jordan approaches them with updates and Chase decides to take a walk and asks Brook Lynn to call him with any news.

BLQ supports Chase GH

Brook Lynn asks Jordan if she’s ever been in a situation like this before. Jordan says unfortunately more than once.  Brook Lynn says she’s always known Chase is taking a risk every time he goes to work, but she convinced herself nothing terrible would happen to him. However, if this could happen to Dante… Jordan says she should talk to Chase about this, but Brook Lynn doesn’t want to do it now when they need to focus on Dante. She also doesn’t want him to think she doesn’t support him and his job. Brook Lynn asks Jordan how she made it work with a family. Jordan admits her relationship with Curtis failed in part because she tried to keep her job separate from Curtis, and she should learn from her mistakes. Jordan says they need to talk, be honest, and don’t lie about what they are feeling.

Chase returns from his walk, he also donated blood and had time to clear his head. Portia comes out with an update that Dante’s vitals are stable, but he still has a fight ahead. Olivia asks, “So he has a chance?” Portia says he does.

Chase talks with Brook Lynn and says he signed up for this life, but she didn’t. He says it’s okay to say this isn’t the life she wants. Brook Lynn admits she’s scared, but she doesn’t want out. She wants to share everything with him, including her fear of losing him, so don’t tell her to ever walk away. They embrace.

Chase honest with BLQ

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Jordan talks with Portia, and this reminds her of Nathan West’s shooting, and he didn’t survive. She says everyone who puts on the badge is a hero.

Jordan and Portia chat GH

Sam and Olivia continue to support one another. Sam admits she sometimes wishes Dante would become an executive and work with Drew, or become a mechanic, or be a baseball coach. Olivia says Dante loves being a cop, and she begged him to choose anything else when he told her that’s what he wanted to be. However he was so sure and proud, so she had to support him. Sam knows Dante is a cop, that’s who he is, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sam and Olivia GH

Portia returns and says Dante is out of surgery and being moved to the ICU, and the doctors feel they repaired all the damage, and this is a good step in the right redirection.

Chase thanks Brook Lynn for supporting him, and asks what he can do for her. She asks him to take her home. Meanwhile, Sam and Olivia hug and Olivia says she told her that Dante’s a fighter.

In the chapel, Sonny looks at the tablet and says a digital image can be manipulated, so why should he believe this is Jason? Ava thought the same thing, but Spinelli verified it. Sonny says that would mean not only is Jason alive, but he is working with the shooter. Ava says his best friend is now his enemy.

Ava warns Sonny GH

Sonny knows Jason would come to him if he had a problem with him and tell him to his face, not shoot him from a distance. Ava knows Jason was part of his family, but either someone is holding something over Jason’s head, or Jason is doing this of his own free will. Sonny insists Jason wouldn’t do this to him. Ava asks why Jason hasn’t come to him, to warn him when he knows those people want him dead.

Sonny and Ava talk GH

Ava reminds him he said there had to be someone on the inside who was working against him, and who knows his methods and security better than Jason. She also says the man behind the attacks has been going by the name Stone, as in Stone Cold. Ava thinks Jason may be back to take him out. Sonny insists there is no way Jason would do this to him. Ava asks him to look at the facts and the evidence, somehow Jason survived Cassadine Island and he’s come back to settle the score, and Sonny is playing into his hands.

Ava and Sonny GH

Sonny still refuses to believe Jason is out to kill him. Ava says he knows Jason better than she does, so she trusts his judgment. He thanks her as he doesn’t trust a lot of people nowadays. Ava asks Sonny to promise her that he’ll be careful and look both ways. Sonny says if he didn’t know any better he’d think she actually cares for him. She says of course she does, he’s Avery’s father. Sonny laughs at the idea that Ava may be the only person he can trust right now, and they appear to lean in for a kiss.

Sonnhy believes in Jason GH

Laura arrives at the Quartermaine mansion and tells Carly and Drew that Dante is still in surgery. Drew knows Sam briefed her on the situation, and Carly says the two boys have two different needs. Laura suggests they divide and conquer. The boys hear Laura and come in, and Rocco asks about his dad. Laura tells him that his dad has a fight on his hands.

Laura arrives to have a chat GH

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On the steps in the foyer, Carly speaks with Danny to check on him and says that it’s okay to be worried about Dante and Rocco. She also says he reminds her so much of his dad. Danny asks how so. Carly says it’s not that he doesn’t feel things, he just doesn’t show them, and Jason was like that. She says Jason wasn’t a patient person either, and she knows this waiting is hard. However, this is where he needs to be because Rocco needs him.

Carly talks to Danny GH

Meanwhile, Laura checks in with Rocco, and hears there was an incident over a video game. She knows a bit about games and became addicted to Super Mario Brothers back in the day when Lucky played them. Rocco says his dad is good at games too, and they should have a date to play games soon. She says it’s okay to talk about his dad. Rocco is scared but knows Danny is too. Laura says they haven’t given up hope on his mom coming out of her coma, so they can’t give up hope on his dad pulling through this. Rocco tells his grandma that he loves her, and they embrace. Drew checks in, and Laura says it’s getting late, and she could take Rocco home with her. Rocco would rather stay here in case Scout has a bad dream, his dad would want him to be here for her.

Laura and Rocco GH

Laura gets ready to head out, and tells Drew that she thinks Rocco wanting to stay here for Scout is a good sign. Laura leaves, and Carly comes downstairs after checking on Scout. Carly has to get home herself as it’s been a day. Drew thanks her for coming and she helped with Danny a lot. She reminds him no matter how he acts, Danny feels things as deeply as the other boys, maybe even more. Carly heads out, and Danny and Rocco remain in the living room. Danny sits by Rocco as he looks at a photo of his dad.

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At Spinelli’s center of operations, he shows Maxie the footage of Jason and she says this can’t be! Suddenly Cates shows up with a search warrant. Cates says he knows of Spinelli, and that they found his camera all over the warehouse. He says he has no desire to fold him into Sonny’s problems, so he would like him to kindly show him what’s on the footage. Spinelli says regretfully he can’t help him and shows him his laptop which says the data is missing. Cates tells him to put the footage he deleted back, but Spinelli insists there is nothing to put back.

Maxie and SPinelli shocked GH

Maxie and Spinelli are cuffed, and Cates assumes Spinelli had a kill switch installed to delete the footage. Maxie realizes who John is, and she says Mac is her stepfather and respects him so much. He can’t believe she’s Maxie Jones and she’s all grown up. She thinks he must know growing up with Mac that she’d never impede a police investigation, so maybe they could take the cuffs off and forget about this. Cates suggests she give Mac his best, and his apologizies for having to arrest his stepdaughter.

Maxie and Spinelli arrested GH

Spinelli tells Cates they have no evidence against them, but Cates has experts too and they’ll recover the evidence, it just may take some time. Spinelli tries to get Maxie freed as she had no part in this, but she says, “We need to take a stand, that man is one of our best friends and he saved our lives several times. We owe him!” Maxie immediately realizes she slipped up, and Cates says that helps narrow the field down. Spinelli won’t let Maxie be incarcerated. He made a backup, points to the drive, and says the password to get in is Maxinista. Maxie says, “Awwww!” Later, Maxie can’t believe he gave up their friend to the feds, and he’s always been loyal to him. Spinelli couldn’t let her go to jail, she’s the mother of his child and the woman he loves. They kiss.

Cates arrests GH

Later another agent asks Cates what he’s going to do about Spinelli. Cates says time will tell, however, they got what they wanted. He holds up his phone with the image of Jason and says, “Now we go after Jason Morgan.”

On the next General Hospital: Ava thinks Jason’s back to take Sonny out. Chase tells Brook Lynn it’s not too late to say this isn’t the life she wants. Maxie asks Spinelli who he saw on the monitor. Sam calls someone and says help is on the way. Laura tells Drew and Carly they should divide and conquer. Cates demands to see Spinelli’s footage.

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